暑热难耐,读书静心。欣赏英译猜古诗(二) 你猜出来了吗?欢迎评论区留言!
It is strong winds that drive adrift the cloud.
Now home again am I, a king so proud.
Can’t I find frontier guards among the crowd
I could pull mountains down, oh! with main and might,
But my good fortune wanes, oh! my steed won’t fight.
Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care.
What can I do with you, oh, my lady fair!
It is strong winds that drive adrift the cloud.
Now home again am I, a king so proud.
Can’t I find frontier guards among the crowd
I could pull mountains down, oh! with main and might,
But my good fortune wanes, oh! my steed won’t fight.
Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care.
What can I do with you, oh, my lady fair!